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Theresa Hinkle

Theresa Hinkle has recently retired after spending the past thirty-two years in a middle level classroom.  She is certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in the area of Early Adolescent English/Language Arts.  During her career, she  taught language arts, reading, social studies, and gifted education.  She also served as literacy facilitator for five years. 

Theresa is active in the NC and National Middle School Associations.  She was the first teacher President of NCMSA and is currently serving as President of NMSA.  For the past five years, she has also been a trainer for the US Department of Education’s Teacher to Teacher Initiative.  Through these affiliations Theresa has presented workshop sessions and school/district professional development in over 30 states, Canada and Mexico.  Her sessions are best known for being research-based and classroom-tested.  Her practical ideas are easily adapted into any setting.  Her years in a middle level classroom have taught her that humor and common sense are key elements in professional development.

In addition to workshop settings, Theresa has presented keynote addresses at several conferences across the country.  She has also spoken to parent groups, community leaders, and school boards.

Topics Include:

            Reading in the Content Areas
            Vocabulary-The Gatekeeper to Reading Success
            Writing in Every Classroom
            Summarizing and Note-taking
Differentiated Instruction and Assessment
Classroom Organization and Management
Characteristics of Young Adolescents and Implications for Instruction
Character Education
Effective Classroom Practice
Formative AssessmentTeaming

To request information on Theresa Hingle, e-mail thingle@educationspeakersgroup.com

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