Dr. Marvin Marshall has presented for several
leading seminar companies, for international associations, at universities
across the country, and to school districts around the world.
His writings on discipline, social development, human behavior, motivation,
and learning communities have been published by Education Week, Phi Delta
Kappa International (PDK), the National Association of Secondary School
Principals (NASSP), the Association of California School Administrators
(ACSA), the New England League of middle Schools, the Texas Association
of Secondary School Principals, and the California Teachers Association
(CTA)--to name a few.
His RAISE RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM reflects his experiences in the following
* Classroom teaching in primary and upper grades at the elementary
level, every grade 7-12, and as a full time staff member in teacher education
at California State University, Los Angeles.
* Counseling and guidance experiences as a middle school counselor, high school
counselor, guidance department chair, and certification by the William Glasser
* Curriculum and instruction activities as a demonstration teacher, department
chair, instructional coordinator, and assistant principal of curriculum and
* Supervision and administration experiences as an elementary school principal,
middle school assistant principal, high school assistant principal of supervision
and control, high school principal, and district director of education.
* Masters in Business Administration from California State University,
Los Angeles
* Dissertation at the University of Southern California in the combined areas
of instruction and guidance.
* Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
* Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association
* National Association of Elementary School Principals
* National Association of Secondary School Principals
* Texas Association of Secondary School Principals
* International Conference on Character Education
* Association of California School Administrators
* National Association of School Psychologists
* California Character Education Conference
* New York State Middle School Association
* American School Counselor Association
* National Staff Development Council
* National Middle School Association
* National High School Association
* Association of Teacher Educators
* 42 of the United States
* Bermuda
* Canada
* Italy
* Japan
* Malaysia
* Sicily
* Spain
* United Kingdom
To request information on Dr. Marvin Marshall,
e-mail mmarshall@educationspeakersgroup.com