Speakers Group
307 Emerald Drive
Thibodaux, LA 70301
Phone: 985-438-9986
Fax: 985-446-0093
Bill Denney
Denney has been in public education for over 20 years. He is a nationally
recognized educational consultant who has presented at numerous conferences
in 34 states. He has been a featured presenter for the Boulder Nuts
& Bolts Symposium, Destin Nuts & Bolts Symposium, Midwest Middle
School Workshop Showcase, National Middle School Association Conference,
Salt Lake City Best Practices, and the Indiana Principals Leadership
Academy. Bill has also given the keynote address at the West Virginia
State Middle School Conference and the Destin Nuts & Bolts Symposium.
Bill is known as the nation’s leading
specialist in Master Schedule Design for Middle Level Schools. He has
designed award winning master schedules for middle schools throughout
the nation. Bill specializes in designing flexible schedules. These
schedules allow teams of teachers flexibility in arranging instructional
time. Teachers have the option of traditional class periods or extended
class periods on an as needed basis.
In addition to being a nationally recognized
educational consultant, Bill is the author of the books Master
Schedule Design for Middle Level Schools and Keep the
Fire Burning.
Prior to entering consulting work, Bill
served as principal of Norwell Middle School in Ossian, Indiana. During
his tenure as principal, Norwell received the prestigious Indiana Four
Star Award four out of six years.
Topics Include:
- Caught in the Crossfire
- Education is being hit hard by No Child Left Behind, Budget Cuts, Accountability, and Standards. In this session, we will look at how to maintain an A+ Middle School in times of trouble, budget cuts, staff reductions, and mandates. This full day workshop is being done at hotels and conference centers in major cities around the nation. Check the Calendar Page on this website to find a city & date you’d like to attend. Call us for a brochure with a full description of this workshop and registration information.
- Escaping the Bondage of Time
- Research recommends for middle schools to utilize flexible scheduling. In this session, we will look at 15 models of flexible schedules and learn how to design a master schedule with flexibility. These models empower teams of teachers to have access to traditional class periods or extended class periods. We will learn how to deal with tough scheduling issues such as band, choir, exploratories, shared staff, and shortage of staff.
- Straight From The Heart
- 1,000 successful students were asked, “If you could only use one word to describe teachers who make the most impact on you, what would that word be?” The Number # 1 answer from students - FUN! In this session, we will learn several ways to make teaching, learning, and assessment - FUN!
- Building A Dynasty
- The New York Yankees, Los Angeles Lakers, Boston Celtics, UCLA Bruins, and Green Bay Packers are organizations known for their rich heritage and traditions of Championship Teams. Each have had era’s of being a dynasty in their respective sport. How do you build a dynasty? This session will examine 55 descriptors of how a Championship Interdisciplinary Team of Teachers operates.
- Colleagues Who Stress Me Out!
- It’s not the students who get on my nerves, it’s some of the people I work with! In this session you will learn the personality traits of your colleagues. You’ll learn their strengths and weaknesses. You’ll learn how to avoid allowing their personality traits to drive you up a wall. Find out if the personality traits of your colleagues resemble a lion, a beaver, an otter or a golden retriever.
- Leadership Retreat
- This session is primarily geared for principals, assistant principals, aspiring administrators, team leaders, school improvement council members, or anyone in a leadership role. In this session we will focus on leadership versus management, climate/culture, facilitating successful change, and other issues relating to educational leadership.
To request information on Bill Denney, e-mail